ETpathfinder workshop January 2024

Atrium (Maastricht University DUB30)


Maastricht University DUB30

Duboisdomein 30, 6229 GT Maastricht.

ETpathfinder Workshop

The next ETpathfinder workshop will take place in Maastricht on 31st January 2024 (start 1pm) until 2nd February (till 1pm). This meeting aims to bring together ETpathfinder project members with the goal to create insight on the current status of ETpathfinder and plan for the future.

The first day you will enjoy plenary sessions at the Faculty of Science and Engineering building of Maastricht University; Google Maps. You can expect topics such as; op level overview ETpathfinder, Planning first tower installation and commissioning, and updates on the WPs. In the evening you can chose to join the social dinner in the city center of Maastricht.

The workshop moves the next day to the building where the ETpathfinder is located; Google Maps. There will be a mix of parallel sessions related to the WPs and plenary sessions on cryogenics and mile stones.

The parallel sessions continue on the third day with a concluding plenary sessions at the end.

Please share your menu choices for the social dinner by; clicking here.