3rd meeting WP5 Working group MoU for beyond GENERA network



    • 13:05 13:06
      Opening 1m
    • 13:06 13:10
      Presence and agenda 4m
    • 13:10 13:15
      Action item list 5m
      Action item list
    • 13:15 14:15
      Drafts 1h
      • Draft invitation letter 15m
        Question: - What stands the acronym ACT for? -> explain at the GENERA website and use this as a reference
      • Draft MoU 15m
        Questions: - Can we add enrollment of undergraduate students to the minimum data set: 1st "Year 1 undergraduate students who read physics and have the option to continue to a degree in physics" - What stands the acronym ACT for?
        DRAFT-v4 MOU
    • 14:15 14:45
      Next steps 30m
      • Distribution to JS 5m
        Few days left for feedback Deadline this Friday? Distribution to the GB?
      • Who should sign the covering letter? 5m
        Chair GENERA Governing Board? or the GENERA Coordinator? --> GB more status, perhaps GB can endorse the documents - double signature other option Will this person take the responsibility to receive the signed MoU? --> Coordinator contact person. Will this person take the responsibility for the first (remote) meeting of the General Assembly? --> to be decided later. Perhaps first GA meeting during a conference. All this to be included in the invitation letter?
      • Will the MoU be announced at the London meeting? 5m
        Or wait for the endorsement by the GB? Who can make the letter heading etc attractive (logo etc)
    • 14:45 14:50
      Next (virtual) meeting? 5m
      Decision: no further meeting necessary. Feedback via email. Perhaps a short get-to-gether during the London meeting.
      ACTION ITEM LIST left after the meeting
    • 14:55 15:00
      A.O.B. 5m
    • 15:00 15:01
      Adjourn 1m