30 April 2024 to 3 May 2024
Amsterdam, Hotel CASA
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Next generation cosmological analysis with a re-usable library of machine learning emulators across a variety of cosmological models

30 Apr 2024, 18:02
Oxford, Hotel CASA

Oxford, Hotel CASA


Dily Duan Yi Ong


In recent years, disparities have emerged within the context of the concordance model regarding the estimated value of the Hubble constant H0 [1907.10625] using Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Supernovae data (commonly referred to as the Hubble tension), the clustering σ8 [1610.04606] using CMB and weak lensing, and the curvature ΩK [1908.09139, 1911.02087] using CMB and lensing/BAO, and between CMB datasets. The study of these discrepancies between different observed datasets, which are predicted to be in agreement theoretically by a cosmological model, is called tension quantification.

We approach this problem by producing a re-usable library of machine learning emulators across a grid of cosmological models through detecting cosmological tensions between datasets from the DiRAC allocation (DP192). This library will be released at this conference as part of the package unimpeded ( https://github.com/handley-lab/unimpeded) and serve as an analogous grid to the Planck Legacy Archive (PLA), but machine learning enhanced and expanded to enable not only parameter estimation (currently available with the MCMC chains on PLA), but also allowing cosmological model comparison and tension quantification. These are implemented with piecewise normalising flows [2305.02930] as part of the package margarine [2205.12841], though alternative density estimation methods can be used. The combination of nested sampling and density estimation allows us to obtain the same posterior distributions as one would have found from a full nested sampling run over all nuisance parameters, but many orders of magnitude faster. This allows users to use the existing results of cosmological analyses without the need to re-run on supercomputers.

Primary authors

Dily Duan Yi Ong Harry Bevins (University of Cambridge) Will Handley (University Of Cambridge)

Presentation materials