April 30, 2024 to May 3, 2024
Amsterdam, Hotel CASA
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Parallel sessions instructions


We are organising two poster sessions, on Wednesday and Thursday, 12:00 - 15:00.

Information about in which session your contribution is scheduled can be found here.

Format: The size of the poster boards is 150 cm x 100 cm.  They can hold A0 posters (portrait) or A1 posters.

Time and location: The poster session will take place in front of the conference rooms, next to the lunch buffet. Poster location numbers can be found in the searchable timetable (column "loc"), which you can find in the menu of this indico page. The physical location of the poster boards and their numbers can be found in the maps below.

Hanging up and taking down posters: Posters for session A can be hung up from Tuesday afternoon on, and have to be removed by Thursday morning 9:00. Posters for session B can be hung up from Thursday morning 9:00 on, and have to be removed by Friday 13:00. Posters that are not removed will be recycled by us (we unfortunately do not have the capacity to store them).

Printing on site: It is unfortunately not possible to print the poster at the conference venue.  For printing off-site, one option is Print & Bind, and chose to pick it up. Their pick up point is a few minutes walking distance from Casa. Other options are the Printerette in the city center & on the Roetersstraat.

Flash talks

Flash talks should advertise the poster. All flash talks are scheduled before the respective poster sessions. Flash talks are grouped together with regular parallel talks based on matching keywords, with the hope that this maximises the interest of the audience. 

Format: 2-3 pdf slides (maximum!). You have 150 seconds, after which the chair is instructed to interrupt you mercilessly. Please practice!  This Script article might provide good starting points.

Playbook: There will be a string of flash talks at the beginning and at the end of the parallel sessions. If you are supposed to speak, please come already to the front and wait until it is your turn. For efficiency purposes, we will compose a single presentation based on the slides that all speakers provided.

Providing slides: Please upload your slides as a PDF file until 19:00 the day before your presentation is scheduled to indico. We will generate a single presentation based on those uploaded files. Slides uploaded later than that might not be included.

Regular talks

Regular talks have a length of 16 minutes + 4 minutes questions. Please upload the slides before the session to indico as PDF and double-check with the chair before the session starts that everything works. If you want to use your own computer, please check with the chair as well.

Poster session maps

Session A (Wednesday 12:00 - 15:00)

Session B (Thursday 12:00 - 15:00)