April 30, 2024 to May 3, 2024
Amsterdam, Hotel CASA
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

EuCAIF workgroups

Staying connected and getting involved

During the conference we have started five EuCAIF working groups focused on different areas within our field. These groups offer great opportunities for collaboration and professional growth. Your input and engagement is very welcome in any shape or form!

How to sign up to Email lists?

  • Go to http://cern.ch/egroups & log in (or create account if necessary)
  • Search for "EuCAIF" to see list of eucaif email lists
  • Click "subscribe"!


General: EuCAIF info email list

Email list: "EUCAIF-info"

WG 1: Foundation models & discovery


Details: The current pinnacle of AI are so-called foundation models (FMs) as pioneered in LLMs like ChatGPT or image generators like DALLE. Multimodal FMs centralize information from various data modalities and domains and encode them in a common meaningful latent representation. They offer an opportunity to go from narrow task-centric applications to general-purpose tasks. This session will serve as a platform to discuss the potential transformative impact of FMs for fundamental science and discovery in particular, and how we can as a community foster progress.

Google docs for WG1


WG 2: AI-assisted co-design of future ground- and space-based detectors

Email list: "EUCAIF-wg-CODESIGN"

Tentative mission/goals: 

1) ""Identify existing design paradigms for particle and astroparticle physics instruments which have become obsolete in the AI era, and assemble software strategies and research paths to overtake them""
2) ""Support the development of simulation tools that constitute enablers of co-design approaches to holistic optimization for detector use cases in HEP, astro-HEP, nuclear and neutrino physics.""
3) ""Understand physical limits of information generated by particle interactions in granular calorimeters and conditions for its lossless extraction, as a preliminary step toward the AI-assisted hybridization of calorimeters and tracking detectors into optimized variable-density systems""."

Google docs for WG2


WG 3: FAIR-ness & Sustainability


Tentative mission/goals:

1) review existing activities exist in fundamental physics that strive to make ML algorithms Findable, Available, Interoperable and Reproducible (may include ML datasets)

2) understand what the barriers to making ML FAIR are - this includes availability of standardised tools and computing facilities for retraining or using someone else's model

3) discuss steps to facilitate and promote FAIR ML in fundamental science

4) start efforts to review and frame the environmental sustainability of ML algorithms (potential discussion of \trade-off with performance)

Google docs for WG3


WG 4: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure (JENA WP4)


Details: The mission of the Joint ECFA-NuPECC-APPEC (JENA) Computing Initiative's Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Working Group is to strategize and implement European federated computing solutions for future large-scale research facilities. Through a comprehensive survey, we aim to assess and quantify the resource needs of physicists to run ML workloads effectively.

Google docs for WG4


WG 5: Building bridges - Community, connections and funding

Email list: "EUCAIF-wg-STRATEGY"

Details: ML in  particle physics is a very small field, and the way we ususally operate is that we identify field-specific opportunities and challenges and then develop new solutions together with ML-experts from other fields (or based on their work). The obvious questions are (i) how can we make this communication more efficient? And, (ii) how can be organize a proper feedback loop, so our solutions are used by the ML community?

Google docs for WG5