30 April 2024 to 3 May 2024
Amsterdam, Hotel CASA
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Advancing Generative Modelling of Calorimeter Showers on Three Frontiers

30 Apr 2024, 15:22
Oxford, Hotel CASA

Oxford, Hotel CASA


Thorsten Buss (University of Hamburg (DE))


Traditional physics simulations are fundamental in the field of particle physics. Common simulation tools like Geant4, are very precise, but comparatively slow. Generative machine learning can be used to speed up such simulations.
Calorimeter data can be represented either as images or as point clouds, i.e. permutation-invariant lists of measurements.
We advance the generative models for calorimeter showers on three frontiers:
1) increasing the number of conditional features for precise energy- and angle-wise generation with the bounded bottleneck auto-encoder (BIB-AE),
(2) improving generation fidelity using a normalizing flow model, dubbed Layer-to-Layer-Flows'' (L2LFlows),
(3) developing a diffusion model for geometry-independent calorimeter point cloud scalable to $\mathcal{O}(1000)$ points, called CaloClouds, and distilling it into a consistency model for fast single-shot sampling.

Primary authors

Mr Anatolii Korol (DESY) Erik Buhmann (University of Hamburg) Frank Gaede (DESY) Prof. Gregor Kasieczka (University of Hamburg) Katja Krüger (DESY) Peter McKeown (DESY) Thorsten Buss (University of Hamburg (DE)) William Korcari (University of Hamburg)

Presentation materials