Aim of the meeting
GENERA provides the physics community tools to raise its awareness of gender issues and to better understand its perception of gender equality and tools for the implementation or improvement of Gender Equality Plans and monitoring their effectiveness in terms of improving the gender balance in physics.
To share knowledge and experience and to support sustainable long-term monitoring of gender equality in physics in Europe, GENERA is setting up a monitoring network for physics research organisations. Activities of the network will include both topical workshops for HR and physics managers and general policy meetings in the field of gender equality in physics.
This 1st international GENERA network meeting is a topical workshop with a focus on the issue of sustainable long-term monitoring.
The targeted audience comprises HR managers and directors of physics institutes or departments and gender equality policy officers. GENERA teams will present their findings and tools for support of the introduction of gender equality plans for physics and for monitoring the performance of the plans.
In three sessions, several aspects of long-term monitoring gender equality in physics will be addressed. Examples are the GENERA tools for systematic data acquisition and sharing, tools for implementing gender equality plans for physics and models for monitoring the acceptance and performance of gender equality plans in the physics institutes and departments.
The format of the meeting allows for ample discussion and feedback for improvement of the presented tools. A priori, GENERA will provide with a few questions and statements to spark off the discussions.
The meeting will be a success if the participants feel well informed about the GENERA tools to continue or start in their organisation the implementation of gender equality plans for physics and the GENERA teams profit from recommendations for improvement of the tools.
With this meeting, the stage will be set for formal continuation of the GENERA network for sustainable long-term monitoring gender equality in the European physics community beyond the life time of the project.