30 April 2024 to 3 May 2024
Amsterdam, Hotel CASA
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

End-to-End Object Reconstruction in a Sampling-Calorimeter using YOLO

30 Apr 2024, 17:59
UvA 2-3-4, Hotel CASA

UvA 2-3-4, Hotel CASA

Flashtalk with Poster Session B 3.1 Pattern recognition & Image analysis


Pruthvi Suryadevara (Tata Institute of Fundemental Research)


The upcoming silicon-based sampling calorimeters, such as the high-granularity calorimeter of the CMS experiment, will have unprecedented granularity in both the lateral and longitudinal dimensions. We expect these calorimeters to greatly benefit from machine learning-based reconstruction techniques. With the novel idea of interpreting the multiple sampling layers of calorimeters in the $\eta$ -- $\phi$ plane as colors in an RGB image. A convolutional neural network-based object detection framework, You Only Look Once, in short YOLO, was used for particle reconstruction in a fast (~1 ms on NVIDIA RTX 4090) and efficient manner. This study goes over the excellent performance of the model in reconstructing particles, e.g., muons, electrons/photons, and their direction in the $\eta$ -- $\phi$ plane, with excellent pileup rejection at 200 pileup interactions. The presentation also goes over the future perspectives of energy reconstruction with minimal modifications.

Primary authors

Prof. Gagan Mohanty (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Dr Indraneel Das (Imperial College London) Pruthvi Suryadevara (Tata Institute of Fundemental Research) Prof. Shashi Dugad (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

Presentation materials