30 April 2024 to 3 May 2024
Amsterdam, Hotel CASA
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Kicking it Off(-shell) with Direct Diffusion

30 Apr 2024, 14:28
Sorbonne, Hotel CASA

Sorbonne, Hotel CASA


Sofia Palacios Schweitzer (ITP Heidelberg)


Off-shell effects in large LHC backgrounds are crucial for precision predictions and, at the same time, challenging to simulate. We show how a generative diffusion network learns off-shell kinematics given the much simpler on-shell process. It generates off-shell configurations fast and precisely, while reproducing even challenging on-shell features.

Primary authors

Dr Anja Butter (LPNHE, Paris) Mathias Kuschick (Munster U., ITP) Prof. Michael Klasen (Munster U., ITP) Sofia Palacios Schweitzer (ITP Heidelberg) Tilman Plehn (Universität Heidelberg, ITP) Dr Tomas Jezo (Munster U., ITP)

Presentation materials