30 April 2024 to 3 May 2024
Amsterdam, Hotel CASA
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Evaluating Generative Models with non-parametric two-sample tests

30 Apr 2024, 17:16
Oxford, Hotel CASA

Oxford, Hotel CASA


Dr Samuele Grossi (University of Genova)


The problem of comparing two high-dimensional samples to test the null hypothesis that they are drawn from the same distribution is a fundamental question in statistical hypothesis testing. This study presents a comprehensive comparison of various non-parametric two-sample tests, specifically focusing on their statistical power in high-dimensional settings. The tests are built from univariate tests and are selected for their computational efficiency, as they all possess closed-form expressions as functions of the marginal empirical distributions. We use toy mixture of Gaussian models with dimensions ranging from 5 to 100 to evaluate the performance of different test-statistics: mean of 1D Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) tests-statistics, sliced KS test-statistic, and sliced-Wasserstein distance. We also add to the comparison two recently proposed multivariate two-sample tests, namely the Fr\'echet and kernel physics distances and compare all test-statistics against a likelihood ratio test, which serves as the gold standard due to the Neyman-Pearson lemma. All tests are implemented in Python using \textsc{TensorFlow2} and made available on \textsc{GitHub} \href{https://github.com/NF4HEP/GenerativeModelsMetrics}{\faGithub}. This allows us to leverage hardware acceleration for efficient computation of the test-statistic distribution under the null hypothesis on Graphic Processing Units. Our findings reveal that while the likelihood ratio test-statistic remains the most powerful, certain non-parametric tests exhibit competitive performance in specific high-dimensional scenarios. This study provides valuable insights for practitioners in selecting the most appropriate two-sample test for evaluating generative models, thereby contributing to the broader field of model evaluation and statistical hypothesis testing.

Primary authors

Riccardo Torre (INFN, Sezione di Genova) Dr Samuele Grossi (University of Genova)

Presentation materials