30 April 2024 to 3 May 2024
Amsterdam, Hotel CASA
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Extracting Dark Matter Halo Parameters with Overheated Exoplanets

30 Apr 2024, 14:31
UvA 1, Hotel CASA

UvA 1, Hotel CASA

Flashtalk with Poster Session A 1.3 Simulation-based inference


María Benito (Tartu observatory, University of Tartu)


The Galactic centre serves as a laboratory for fundamental physics, particularly in the context of indirect dark matter searches. This study explores the potential of the James Webb Space Telescope to shed light on self-annihilating, sub-GeV dark matter candidates by examining their influence on exoplanet overheating and providing sensitivity estimates via probabilistic programming languages.

Primary author

María Benito (Tartu observatory, University of Tartu)


Dr Juri Smirnov (University of Liverpool) Mr Konstantin Karchev (SISSA) Dr Rebecca Leane (SLAC, Stanford) Prof. Roberto Trotta (SISSA) Mr Sven Põder (KBFI)

Presentation materials