Insights from the equivalence between the physics of certain strongly coupled systems and the mathematics of black holes have reignited an interest in using hydrodynamics to understand observed responses in laboratory experiments on strongly correlated electron materials. Many such systems are outside the regime of applicability of the Boltzmann equation, and one must resort to such novel approaches. A classic example is the strange metal phase in high Tc cuprate superconductors. There is now ample evidence that its physics can be explained by a strongly interacting quantum critical system of the type captured by black hole mathematics and its emergent hydrodynamics. Focussing on electrical conductivity, we show that the incorporation of lattice effects in such dual hydrodynamical/black hole approach can for the first time capture several puzzling observations in strange metals --- the robustness of the T-linear resistivity and the occurrence of a mid-IR peak in the optical conductivity at high T. Applying the same technique to magnetotransport hydrodynamics we show that such strongly coupled theories beyond Boltzmann can have an anomalous cyclotron frequency unequal to ωc=q/m, yet the Hall resistivity ρxy=B/n still measures the total charge density. We conclude with an outlook towards a hydrodynamical explanation of the observed cuprate strange metal phenomenology.