Feb 24 – 26, 2025
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Our goal for the past N years has been to move all of our shared data to be accessible through Grid tools, so they can be distributed across all our partner sites. This means that -after a transition period- Rucio will permanently replace iRods and xrootd to access or share common KM3NeT data. Dirac will also replace using local clusters to run simulations or processing data, which will affect all Tier 1 data we generate (but not how we manage individual analyses). 

Now that we are (finally!) reaching a stable state for our Grid computing and storage solutions, it is time to provide the necessary training so the whole collaboration can use them! There will also be a session on snakemake, particularly useful for those that want to learn a better way to manage their software workflows, but also to understand the run-based data processing. This workshop will include tutorials and hands-on sessions to practice everything you need to know, so come one, come all! We will set up a zoom meeting room for those that cannot attend in person, but we expect the workshop to be more fruitful for those that can.

Registration for this event is currently open.