5–9 Jun 2023
CWI, Science Park, Amsterdam
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The Interferometer Simulation workshop will be held from 5-9 June 2023 in Amsterdam, hosted by Nikhef and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

The first aim of this workshop is to bring together people working with interferometer simulation tools, in particular Finesse and OSCAR, in order to work together on simulation tasks. Interesting topics include, among others, how to find the operating point of an interferometer, comparing modal based results agains FFT simulation for lossy cavities, or the challenges for the optical layout of the Einstein Telescope.

The second aim of the workshop is to provide tutorials about how to use the latest versions of Finesse and OSCAR for current tasks. We will provide hands-on tutorials, and also develop new documentation and teaching material during the workshop.

We welcome participation from everyone in the GW community who is interested in a week of hands-on simulation activities. Please register by the 21st of May so that we can complete the local organisation.
Note that due to the interactive nature of the workshop, this meeting will be in-person only. We are planning a fully remote workshop after summer in the same spirit to reach a larger attendance.

Suggestions for group activities:
- advanced Finesse 3 use
- how to find operating points?
- lossy cavities (clipping), compare HOM and FFT results
- documentation and training material (manual, logbooks, etc)
- roadmap for Finesse and OSCAR, what features are needed/missing
- simulation challenges for ET optical layout, Virgo/LIGO commissioning
- implementing new physics features


Scientific Organising Committee:
Andreas Freise (Nikhef and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Daniel Brown (University of Adelaide)
Jerome Degallaix (Le Laboratoire des Matériaux Avancés, LMA)
Anna Green (Nikhef)
Mischa Sallé (Nikhef)

CWI, Science Park, Amsterdam
Room L120
Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam Netherlands