April 29, 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

This workshop brings together the people involved in working package 3, task 3.5 of the AHEAD2020 project: Low-latency triggers and access to GW data.  It is a one-day workshop, organised at Nikhef in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  The meeting is in hybrid format, both in person and online.  Please reserve this date in your calendar; we will post more details on this page as soon as they are available.

Note that you may want to combine this workshop with the European AI for Fundamental Physics Conference (EuCAIFCon 2024), which will start the day after our workshop, also in Amsterdam.  See https://indico.nikhef.nl/event/4875/ for more information on that conference.


Getting to Nikhef

Nikhef is located at the Science Park in Amsterdam.  Amsterdam has decent public transport.  You can use https://www.9292.nl/en for door-to door planning using train, metro, tram and bus to Nikhef's address: Science Park 105, Amsterdam.  The in-person meeting and coffee/tea and lunch brakes all take place in the Nikhef building (or in the restaurant connected to it).

Colloquium room
Science Park 105 1098 XG Amsterdam The Netherlands
Go to map
Registration for this event is currently open.