30 May 2016 to 3 June 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Evolution of sum rules and positivity constraints

2 Jun 2016, 09:30
Z011 - Turing room (Nikhef)

Z011 - Turing room


Science Park 105 1098XG Amsterdam


Oleg Teryaev


The stability of sum rules and preservation of positivity constraints under the different versions of QCD evolution are considered. It is shown that the crucial role belongs to the kinetic interpretation of evolution equations as a gain-loss ones. The cases of DGLAP, BFKL and ERBL evolutions are considered. The various approaches to TMD evolution are compared and the role of transverse degrees of freedom in possible violation of positivity is pointed out. The relation of Burkardt sum rule to energy-momentum conservation and the outcomes to twist-3 evolution are discussed.

Presentation materials