Jun 1 – 3, 2015
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Scientific Program

Monday afternoon:

* guided tour of the working document: each "editor" of the various paragraphs leads its own piece of discussion
* a short summary of QCDevolution 2015 from the participants (Piet, Daniel, Miguel)
* brainstorming - what needs to be done

Tuesday morning (separate working groups):

* use TMDs in Drell-Yan lepton pair production and Higgs production
* use TMDs in heavy-flavor pair production and quarkonia production
* let's choose an observable (say the Higgs or DY qT spectrum): can we get similar predictions with different frameworks?

Tuesday afternoon :

* can we explain why the results we get are similar or different? * what would we like to prepare for the longer meeting in DESY?

Wednesday morning:

* let's summarize