Nikhef Colloquium: "Cryogenic Detector Technology for Possible Neutrino Mass Experiment" Andrey Baryshev

H331 (Nikhef)



    • 11:00 11:50
      Cryogenic Detector Technology for Possible Neutrino Mass Experiment 50m
      Abstract: Determination of neutrino mass is an outstanding physical problem which receives significant attention at this moment. One of the proposed ways to measure this value is to measure calorimetrically electron capture decay of 163Ho isotope which has Q factor of order of ~2.5 keV. This measurements require a cryogenic energy resolving detector technology with energy resolution of order of 1eV. Recently large pixel count cryogenic arrays has been developed for astrophysics. We will discuss two of such technologies Microwave Kinetic Inductance arrays and Transition Edge Sensor calorimeters which is currently being developed at SRON. Layout, operating principles and achieved performance will be reported.
      Speaker: Prof. Andrey Baryshev (University of Groningen)