8–12 Jul 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Bag model revisited

Not scheduled
C 1.110 (SciencePark)

C 1.110


Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam


Hristu Culetu


Motivated by a recent opinion expressed by M. C. Andersen that there are striking similarities between a quantum particle and a mini-black hole, we investigate the possibility that a nucleon (say, a proton) is akin to a black hole. From the MIT Bag model we know that the confinement of strongly interacting particles inside hadrons is accomplished in a Lorentz-invariant way, i.e., $T_{ab} \propto g_{ab}$ ($T_{ab}$ is the stress tensor inside hadrons), leading to $\epsilon = -p = B \approx 160 MeV/fm^{3}$, where B is the bag constant. From General Relativity we know that the equation of state $p = -\epsilon$ leads to a de Sitter spacetime. To satisfy the junction conditions at the interface, we choose as geometry outside a proton a regular Schwarzschild spacetime. Moreover, we found that the outer and inner radial pressures are equal at the junction surface, as it should be.

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