8–12 Jul 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Euclidean-Lorentzian Nexus

Not scheduled
C 1.110 (SciencePark)

C 1.110


Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam


RAGHVENDRA SINGH (Ariel University Israel)


This study delves into the profound implications arising from the Euclidean-Lorentzian transition, with a primary focus on its influence on classical and quantum aspects. The investigation centers on the dynamic evolution of metrics, intricately constructed from a Lorentzian metric and a timelike vector field. By shedding light on the nuanced interplay between geometry and gravitational dynamics, our research significantly advances our comprehension of early universe dynamics. It paves the way for valuable insights into the behavior of classical and quantum gravity on cosmic scales, offering a promising avenue for further exploration in these fundamental realms.

Primary author

RAGHVENDRA SINGH (Ariel University Israel)

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