Nikhef Colloquium: "Quark gluon plasma in pp and pA collisions?" (Prof. Raimond Snellings)

H331 (Nikhef)



    • 11:00 11:50
      Quark gluon plasma in pp and pA collisions? 50m
      Abstract: Collective expansion of the created system in high energy heavy-ion collisions has been one of the observables which allowed us to constrain properties, such as equation of state and transport parameters of the quark gluon plasma. In pp and pA collisions at LHC energies similar energy densities are reached as in heavy-ion collisions and in the last years evidence has been found for collective expansion in those collision systems as well. I will review the observables sensitive to collective expansion in heavy-ion collisions and compare them to recent measurements in pp and pA collisions from ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb.
      Speaker: Raimond Snellings