WAR meeting


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Vista meeting on the 6th and 7th of September in zuiderduin, egmond aan zee. Scientific staff is invited ~90 people, expect 80 to come

- Perhaps this meeting should be renamed to Vista30 rather than Vista23, since the last one was called Vista25

Last time a booklet was made for the strategy with one page summaries answering three pilar questions

1. Proven approaches

2. New opportunities 

3. Beyond science; aka outreach, open science, renovation, etc.


Goal of the Vista30 meeting is to be interactive and have everyone join in the discussion.

Suggestion of a broad plan would be;

Day 1: Discover

Day 2: focus

Final output will be a report of the same style as was made for Vista25


About 2 year ago there was a strategy meeting which included pitches from each group about their plans which would, expectedly, largely overlap with the plans of the groups now. However since there are many new young scientists at Nikhef we decided it would be useful to have some overview of the groups plans. To this end we came up with the following format:

- Each group is asked to make a poster (email to be sent out to request this). This posted should include what they plan to do in the next 5 years and what they plan to do in the next 15 years. 

- On the day, the posters will be presented either on a projector with 1 min pitch to the whole room, or at each poster where there are two presenters such that they can relieve each other and can also see the other posters

- Everyone will be divided into groups to go see all posters and a blank poster will be hung next to each poster for feedback from the groups, so you can see the feedback the previous group gave already. We will decide these groups in advance. We will use a speed-date-style bell to indicate moving to the next poster


Other topics to discuss will need further organisation. For this we will create a google document where people can indicate what session they would like to help prepare and when they are away over the summer. This way we can divide the work a bit. 

There will be some themes to discuss based on topics beyond the groups, for example we could have sessions on

- Integration of Gravitational waves community in Nikhef/ How to organise the Einstein telescope within Nikhef

- LHC-Fast timing programme for LS4

- New ideas and suggestions for future opportunities at Nikhef; For this we will send an email to all staff asking them to send us an email with the topic if they'd like to bring something up. If there are too many, or overlapping ideas, we will either make a pre-selection or ask people to present their ideas together.

- How does the nikhef strategy fit with the European strategy? ; For this we could consider to draft up a document ourselves, either with what we think would be a good strategy for Nikhef, or one with intentional provocative statements. 

- What do we want to do after 2030? /Future colliders?

In this spirit there's also the idea to play a game where we ask everyone to choose where/how they would spend the nikhef budget. For this we might want to discuss the budget with Arjen. 

There will also be some themes to discuss beyond science programmes, for example we could have sessions on

- How do we make sure that we (keep) attract the best talents for our programmes?

- Diversity and inclusion

- What is our strategy on hybride (aka part time from home) working?

- Sustainability

- Design technicians/ Cross skill training


Some further things to keep in mind during the organisation

- We want to define changing groups for different topics, where we decide the groups in advance. We need to ask people register for the event such that we can figure out the different groupings in advance. For this Stan will contact Eveline and email people to register (with a deadline). 

- We need to make sure that for every discussion we assign (again we do this in advance) a secretary and a presenter/owner. This should not be the person who presents the idea, but someone else. This way we can make a final document at the end and we encourage people to listen to each other. 

- Use different formats, aka not only posters, to keep attention throughout the days.


Action items:

  • Stan asks Eveline to open the registration for the meeting and sends an email asking all staff to be there and register with a deadline
  • Lydia and Stan will send an email to all programme leaders asking them to prepare a poster which includes their groups plans for the next 5years as well as their plan for the next 15 years.
  • Lydia will create a google document to divide the work of planning the meeting among ourselves
  • Lydia will send a draft to the rest of the WAR and if approved will send an email to all staff on behalf of the WAR asking people to send us the topic if they would like to pitch a future opportunity for Nikhef. 
  • Lydia will send out a doodle for a next meeting at a short time-scale, aka next week, to keep momentum. 
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Speakers: Lydia Brenner, Stan Bentvelsen

      Questionnaire to prepare?

      Possible discussion points suggestions

      • einstein telescope 
      • diversity and inclusion
      • new project proposals
      • after 2030? future colliders? 
      • overarching themes?
      • hybride working
      • sustainability 
      • design technicians/cross skill trainings
    • 2