Board of Scientific Representatives Einstein Telescope (BSR-ET)


Job de Kleuver
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      1. Opening and welcome
      • composition of BSR: see attachment for information
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      2. Decisons and action items last meeting(s)
      1. All interested countries can join this BSR with a national science representative.
      2. France intends to join the BGR on ministerial level
      3. After fruitful discussions with CERN management ET hopes to become a CERN recognised experiment. Presentation was given bij ET Steering leadership. Waiting for a decision in March.
      4. After fruitful discussions CERN is open to offer some office space to house part of the ET project office at CERN.
      5. Ferroni and Van den Brand will take next steps to formalise the Vacuum project initiative with CERN. This project should start as soon as possible
      6. The Infradev proposal was submitted. Compliments to Mario. Mario intends to start soon and will prepare a kick off meeting (in Barcelona?)
      7. It was decided to invite the leaders of the ET steering committee (as standing invitations) to the open sessions of our BSR meetings. We keep the possibility for closed sessions on specific topics (i.e. governance).
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      3. Announcements (only topics that are not on the remainder of the agenda)
      • Coordinators Antonio and Stan
      • Project Directorate Nando and Jo
      • Country representatives: any interesting news?
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      5. Toward the TDR of ET, organised by the PD
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      6. InfraDev Proposal
      • Kick off meeting
      • Next steps
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      7. Towards BSR ToR (closed session)
      • Oral report progress and some discussion items
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      8. AOB and date next meeting
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      9. Closing