Coordinators were requested to align the WP Governance in the INFRA-DEV proposal with the Board of Governmental Representatives (BGR).
All interested countries can join this BSR with a national science representative.
Stan and Antonio are planning a meeting with Fabiola Giannotti in the first week of November to discuss the role and contributions of CERN. More info in the next BSR meeting.
Jo and Nando are preparing an action plan for Vacuum studies with CERN under the umbrella of the ET-MoU between CERN-INFN-Nikhef.
Mario will summarise the fruitful discussion about the Work Packages (WP) for the INFRA-DEV proposal and the foreseen WP leaders (two for each WP). This list has to be finalised soon and should also be more diverse.
Stan invites all members to join for dinner after the opening ceremony of ETPathfinder.
3. Announcements (only topics that are not on the remainder of the agenda)20m
Coordinators Antonio and Stan
Project Directoriate Nando and Jo
Country representatives: any interesting news?
4. CERN and ET25m
Report of meeting with Fabiola Giannotti (CERN) about ET related topics and CERN.
Report Nando and Jo about vacuum action plan
Discussion follow-up actions towards CERN (recognised experiment, office spaces, other activities)