4 November 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

New collider searches for dark photon

4 Nov 2022, 14:20
de Werelt (Lunteren)

de Werelt


Congrescentrum De Werelt Westhofflaan 2 6741 KH Lunteren


Anh Vu Phan (Radboud University)


The dark photon is a well-motivated new particle, arising from a renormalizable interaction with the photon field. This so-called vector portal can lead to a dark sector, which can contain candidates for dark matter. In this talk, I discuss searches for dark photons at photon-electron colliders, with applications to LUXE and a future Gamma Factory, and electron-positron colliders, with a focus on Belle II. We found that photon beam dump offers a novel search strategy for dark photons, while bump hunting can be a viable strategy at a Gamma Factory. We have studied displaced vertices from dark photon decays at Belle II and modeled the background for such a signal. Belle II has excellent sensitivity to such dark photon signals and can probe them in an unexplored region of the parameter space using already collected data.

Primary authors

Anh Vu Phan (Radboud University) Prof. Joerg Jaeckel (Heidelberg University)

Presentation materials