4 November 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Status of frequency dependent squeezing for Advanced Virgo Plus

4 Nov 2022, 12:20
de Werelt (Lunteren)

de Werelt


Congrescentrum De Werelt Westhofflaan 2 6741 KH Lunteren


Yuefan Guo


As one of the essential upgrades from the Third Observation run(O3) to the Forth Observation run(O4), frequency-dependent squeezing(FDS) aims to reduce the quantum noise, both the shot noise and radiation pressure noise, of the gravitational wave detectors. FDS combines the frequency independent squeezing(FIS), already applied in the O3 run, with a detuned 300m Fabry Perot cavity built at the beginning of the O4 commissioning period. This talk will give a brief introduction to the AdV+ FDS system and the latest results of the FDS measurement.

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