Presentation materials
Minute-long gravitational-wave transients are an interesting class of events with a high potential for new Science. Comparatively to recent detections of gravitational waves produced from compact binary systems, minute-long transients are expected to originate from a wide range of poorly understood astrophysical phenomena such as magnetars and accretion disk instabilities for which the lack of...
In view of the LHC upgrade to high-luminosity LHC, trackers need to be upgraded to comply new stringent requirements in terms of position (~5um) and time (~10ps) resolution. These properties are required for dealing with an extremely high event rate, identifying particles and reconstructing originating collision and vertex positions.
MAPS are good candidates for present and future trackers...
The measurement of the muon magnetic anomaly, aμ = (gμ - 2)/2, is one of the most accurate tests of the Standard Model (SM).
The measurement of aμ by the E989 Muon g-2 experiment was presented last April and confirmed the E821 BNL experimental result of 2004, increasing the significance of the discrepancy between the measured and SM predicted aμ from 3.7σ to 4.2σ.
In the E989 experiment,...