Sep 5 – 16, 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

General information:

The BND graduate school 2022 is a school intended for PhD students in particle and astro-particle physics in the early phase of their career. It is part of the series of BND graduate schools which are held annually, and rotate among organising universities and institutes in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

The BND graduate school 2022 will take place between Monday 5 September 2022 (lunch-time) and Friday 16 September 2022 (lunch-time), in Callantsoog, the Netherlands. Callantsoog is a quiet sea-side resort with a sandy beach, approximately one hour travel north of Amsterdam. Nearest train station is Schagen, on the line Amsterdam-Den Helder; information on transportation can be found in the first circular. We expect students to arrive in the morning of Monday 5 September, and leave in the afternoon of Friday 16 September. Detailed instructions on how to reach the venue will be sent to all the participants two weeks before the school. 

The topics covered at the 2022 BND school can be found under "Scientific Programme".

Students are expected to stay the full period of the school. The fee will be 1100 Euro, and covers all expenses: meals, lectures, excursions, and boarding in double rooms.

In order to register to the school please go to "Registration" on the top left menu. You will be able to pay with credit card. In case the credit card payment is not suitable for you, we offer the possibility of a bank transfer: please, go to "Paynment info" in this case.  Registration will be open on June the 16th at 12:00 hour and close one week before the event.

Fletcher Hotel Callantsoog, Abbestederweg 26, 1759 NB Callantsoog

Local Organizing Committee:

  • Prof. Chris van den Broeck (Nikhef/Utrecht University)
  • Prof. Raimond Snellings (Nikhef/Utrecht University)
  • Dr. Alessandro Grelli (Nikhef/Utrecht University)
  • Dr. Marta Verweij (Nikhef/Utrecht University)
  • Joan Berger (Nikhef Secretariat)