25–29 Jul 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Comparing Propagation Models with Local Cosmic Ray Spectra

27 Jul 2022, 16:45
oral THEO Parallel 1


Ethan Silver (University of California Berkeley)


The AMS-02 detector on board the International Space Station provides precise measurements of high-energy galactic cosmic rays (CRs) near Earth, while the Voyager mission measures CRs outside the solar system, beyond the effects of solar modulation. Observations of CRs by Voyager and AMS-02 provide valuable information on the propagation of CRs in the galaxy. Here we present a revision of various CR propagation models compared with recent direct CR measurements by Voyager and AMS-02. We explore the performance of different classes of models and investigate how the data inform their parameters governing CR propagation.

Primary authors

Ethan Silver (University of California Berkeley) Elena Orlando (University of Trieste and Stanford University)

Presentation materials