25–29 Jul 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Approximation of the lateral distribution function of the Cherenkov light from extensive air showers in the primary energy region 1-100 PeV.

28 Jul 2022, 13:36
poster EAS Poster flash talks


Vasilisa Latypova


The approximation function that makes it possible to describe the lateral distribution function (LDF) of Cherenkov light of individual extensive air showers (EAS) from various primary nuclei with energies of 1-100 PeV and zenith angles up to 20 degrees with an accuracy better than 5% in the distance range 0-500 meters from the shower axis was found. Initially the approximation was intended for processing the events of the SPHERE-2 experiment, but its capabilities are clearly wider. A comparison was made with a simpler approximating function used in the SPHERE-2 processing and with the function used by the TAIGA experiment.

Primary author

Vasilisa Latypova


Elena Bonvech (SINP Moscow State University) Mr Dmitry Chernov Mr Dmitry Podgrudkov Timur Dzhatdoev (Moscow State University) Mrs Tatiana Roganova Mr Igor Vaiman Mr Vladimir Ivanov Ms Clemence Azra Prof. Vladimir Galkin

Presentation materials