30 May 2016 to 3 June 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Definition and evolution of GTMDs

2 Jun 2016, 11:30
Z011 - Turing room (Nikhef)

Z011 - Turing room


Science Park 105 1098XG Amsterdam


Miguel Echevarria


Three-dimensional hadronic matrix elements are fundamental objects needed to explore hadronic structure. Among them, the most basic quantities are the “generalized transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions” (GTMDs). In my talk I will argue that, currently, they are improperly defined and will propose a new definition which is in accordance with QCD fundamentals. Using it, I will derive the (universal) evolution kernel for all (un)polarized quark/gluon GTMDs at NNLL, and obtain their matching onto the corresponding collinear GPDs at NLO.

Presentation materials