30 May 2016 to 3 June 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Factorization and Resummation for Massive Quark Effects in Exclusive Drell-Yan

31 May 2016, 17:30
Z011 - Turing room (Nikhef)

Z011 - Turing room


Science Park 105 1098XG Amsterdam


Daniel Samitz


Within the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory we discuss how to incorporate massive bottom quark effects in the resummed cross section for exclusive 0-jet Drell-Yan, where as a specific example for a measured exclusive observables we consider the transverse momentum of the electroweak boson. At NNLL’ order, i.e. including matrix elements at O(α2 s) and NNLL resummation, one has to account for both heavy quark initiated (primary) corrections to the hard scattering process as well as secondary radiation effects. The theoretical description depends on the hierarchy between the involved scales, ranging from the decoupling limit for large masses to the massless limit for small masses, and involves quark mass dependent TMDPDFs and soft functions in between. The emerging rapidity divergences can be different with respect to the massless quark case and we also discuss the resulting evolution which resums the associated rapidity logarithms.

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