The 29th CAN Symposium will be held on June 12th/13th 2025 in Soesterberg at the hotel Kontakt der Kontinenten. This is the annual meeting of the Dutch astroparticle physics community and it will be organized by the Committee of Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands - CAN .
The idea of these symposia is to form a strong astroparticle physics community in the Netherlands. The symposia give a platform to (PhD) students and postdoctoral researchers to present their recent results to a nation-wide audience and to establish new scientific contacts beyond the own working group. It is also a tradition to have international keynote speakers, reviewing important aspects of astroparticle physics.
There is no conference fee for this event, which is kindly funded by NIKHEF and the Dutch Astronomy Council.
You can request your accommodation at the conference hotel during the registration process.