Theory Seminars

Theory seminar (11am): Anders Eller Thomsen: Functional EFT Matching: New Developments and the Matchete Tool

L017 (CWI)



With the absence of new resonance discoveries at the LHC, the role of Effective Field Theories (EFTs) in Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics has become increasingly crucial. EFTs serve as indispensable tools in precision physics, offering the potential to reveal indirect evidence of new phenomena. Matching calculations can bridge the gap between underlying theories and EFTs and should ideally be performed at the loop level to include all relevant effects. In this talk, I will discuss functional methods as an avenue to perform cutting-edge matching (and RG) calculations. From a practical perspective these methods form the foundation of the public automated matching tool Matchete, and I will outline some of its core functionality. 
Organised by

Ankita Budhraja, Juraj Klaric, Johannes Michel, Maria Laura Piscopo