Gravitational Waves

Finesse development workshop

by Miron van der Kolk

Positron (Nikhef Amsterdam)


Nikhef Amsterdam

Science Park 105 1098 XG Amsterdam

This workshop will introduce the principles and tools needed for python package development and focus specifically on how to contribute code to the Finesse package.

I want to touch the following topics briefly, since not everyone will have the same level of experience:

  • Choosing Editor/IDE
  • Python package structure
  • Python/conda Environment
  • Git commands
  • Installing a python package in development mode
  • Gitlab merge requests and pipelines


Afterwards I will go into more detail on Finesse specifics

  • Tour of the Finesse repository
  • Compiling Cython extensions
  • Writing Finesse documentation

In preparation of the workshop it would be most efficient if you try to follow the steps for setting up a development environment in advance. This would also be a good moment to provide some feedback on this part of the documentation.

Lastly I think it would be the most fun if you try to come with some small change that you would like to make to Finesse, like updating a documentation page or adding a small utility function, so you have a goal for the workshop.

Organised by

Miron van der Kolk
