
Theory seminar (11am): Federica Devoto: Five parton scattering in massless QCD and its high energy limit

Colloquium Room

Colloquium Room


Scattering amplitudes for n partons in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) have attracted significant attention due to the fundamental role of Yang-Mills theories in describing particle interactions. These amplitudes are essential building blocks of jet cross sections at hadron colliders, which are key for accessing fundamental QCD parameters. Recent developments in managing the extraordinary complexity of their calculation have made it possible to break the 2→2 frontier. In this talk, I will discuss the scattering of five partons at two loops in perturbative QCD, retaining the full-color information. I will argue that sub-leading color contributions are both highly challenging and rich in structure. Finally, I will present the high energy limit of the five-point amplitudes and discuss factorization properties beyond next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy.

Organised by

Ankita Budhraja, Juraj Klaric, Johannes Michel