Theory Seminars

Theory seminar (11am): Max Knobbe: Precision Monte Carlo predictions for current and future collider experiments

Colloquium Room

Colloquium Room


High-precision calculations are crucial for the success of the LHC physics programme. The precision of Monte Carlo predictions depends on three separate components: parametric accuracy, statistical precision and numerical stability. Parametric accuracy is achieved via higher order calculations and the intricate interplay between perturbative computations, resummation and soft physics modelling. Statistical precision concerns the fast generation of event samples with sufficient statistical quality for the experiment. Finally, numerical stability concerns the stability of scatting amplitudes when approaching IR singularities present in semi-automated computations at higher order in QCD.

Here we will address the latter two components, by presenting a flexible and efficient approach for simulating collider events with multi-jet final states, implemented in a portable leading-order parton-level event generation framework. Furthermore we propose a novel set of Algorithms that are computationally efficient and offer the opportunity to probe the deep infrared region through a suitable reformulation of the relevant components of tree-level matrix elements.

Organised by

Ankita Budhraja, Juraj Klaric, Johannes Michel