8 November 2024
Kontakt der Kontinenten
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Deciphering the neutrino sky

8 Nov 2024, 10:30
Kontakt der Kontinenten

Kontakt der Kontinenten

Amersfoortsestraat 20, 3769 AS Soesterberg


Dorothea Samtleben


Neutrinos are among the most abundant particles in the universe, and yet their properties are probably the least known of all elementary particles. They are highly sought after as they provide invaluable information from the distant universe, while determining their properties will shed light on future extensions of the Standard Model.

The Netherlands are deeply involved in the KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope, which is under construction on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, observing the neutrino sky in energies from MeV to PeV. First results from measurements of neutrino oscillations and from the search for cosmic sources already testify to the exciting science potential of the full detector.
I will present the status of the KM3NeT measurements with an outlook on the future goals of the neutrino group.

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