8 November 2024
Kontakt der Kontinenten
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Latest results from KamLAND-Zen on neutrinoless double beta decay

8 Nov 2024, 12:00
Kontakt der Kontinenten

Kontakt der Kontinenten

Amersfoortsestraat 20, 3769 AS Soesterberg


Kelly Weerman


Neutrinoless double beta decay (0𝜈ββ) is an undetected rare nuclear process with significant implications for understanding the nature of neutrinos, their mass, and physics beyond the Standard Model. The most stringent limit on the 0𝜈ββ half-life is established by KamLAND-Zen, an extension of the KamLAND neutrino detector in Japan, utilizing the isotope xenon-136 dissolved in a liquid scintillator. In this talk, I will present the latest results from KamLAND-Zen, submitted this summer. Backgrounds continue to challenge sensitivity to the 0𝜈ββ process. The nature of these backgrounds will be discussed, with a particular focus on the long-lived isotopes created through muon spallation on xenon. Finally, I will provide an overview of potential future improvements, including the upcoming KamLAND2 upgrade.

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