Velo RF box replacement meeting



Krista de Roo, Kristof de Bruijn (Van Swinderen Institute), Wouter Hulsbergen

Meeting to discuss the RF box replacement in November 2023

    • 1
      Round table

      - who is going when?
      - 13-17/11: Espen, Freek, Stan, Wouter
      - 13-16/11: Yutaro
      - on Monday Niels will take Stan and Yutaro to user office
      - can we get a reservation for the dosimetry?
      - prepare dosimetry form: ask Pieter
      - we need a meeting with Raphael to explain what we bring and plan to do.

      • installation manuals
        • we go through the slides
        • Vito has returned from retirement to dismantle the SMOG
        • how about the soldering of the LEMO connectors
        • should we wear masks to keep the detector clean
        • who puts the centre-frame in the right position? the motion system must be operational. it should be at -6mm (check!) we may have to move the motion system after it is out of the first constraint.
      • did Keiran make the tool to fix the base to the flange (hood) for removal? (is there a design)
      • we may need a larger beam for the deformed RF boxes.

      • badges, cources, access

      • check impact
      • check apex (the new adams) (
      • schedule
      • transport, local contacts
      • parts (WF suppressors, flexible couplings, O-rings)
      • what is still missing?
      • transport to CERN

      Information on installation, collected by Yutaro:

      Onder het kopje "Installation and De-Installation" zijn foto's en filmpjes te vinden van de vorige keer dat de installatie / removal heeft plaatsgevonden.