Nikhef velo group meeting



Kristof de Bruijn (Van Swinderen Institute), Wouter Hulsbergen
    • 1
      Round table
      • status at CERN
      • preparation for de-installation and RF-box replacement
      • production of spare RF boxes
      • status of test setup
      • upgrade-II

      Present: MD, Kazu. Wouter. (Kristof is traveling.)

      * No news from CERN. Friday's meeting was very good: sensors + ASICs. Xavi showned in more details what he works on data compression: clustering gets rid of big clusters. That saves a lot of data. It is not clear if we can keep spatial resolution. Andre could study resolution as function of number of (charge) bits. Also not yet clear if it helps to combine timing from neighbouring pixels. So far we just get the fastest pixel in the cluster. Andre could figure out how charge information should be used to get better timing resolution, in simulation. We need to make new simulation in scenario X rather than scenario A.

      * RF production sufferes severely from temperature in experimental hall. Kazu would like to have a midterm review. Freek proposed 29th of September. Kazu and Wouter think it is better to wait for actual measurements. Probably we are ready for this by the end of October. Kazu would like to keep documentation on what they did. Kazu proposed 26th of October. Freek is not so keen on milling A4. Freek would like us to write a document for what we want to measure, Wouter will forward Tjeerd's presentation to Kazu. Kazu would like to do vacuum leak test on A1. A1 also still needs to be Torlon coated. The ET people took the RF box vacuum vessel, so we cannot leak test. We need to get a team together: invite Krista and Martijn to mechanics meeting. 


      * Velo (de)installation and RF box replacement. Marcel would like to know if it is Kazu or Wouter leads Nikhef contribution. We need to decide. Do we need meetings at Nikhef. We agreed with Victor Coco on dates: November 13 (deinstallation detector + boxes) and November 27 (reinstall boxes).

      * Kristof is migrating the test setup to minidaq3. We cannot take data yet. MD and Wouter managed to recover the data from the minidaq2 disks.

      * In Velo meeting yesterday (LHCb week) the RF box simulation was discussed. Kazu wonders to what extend we are interested in contributing to that.

      Action items:
      * Kazu to discuss with Kristof and Andre about upgrade-II clustering simulation
      * Kazu/Wouter to organize RF box review meeting. Write document for Freek about what measurements need to be done on A1 (and C3).
      * Kazu/Wouter to follow up on our deinstallation contribution.