On September 26-27, Nikhef and the NWO-I Digital Competence Center, will be teaching a hands-on Software Carpentries Course focusing on the basics in Unix, Git and Python. This basics course is the foundation for enabling your research. By learning these skills, it will make it easier to do more efficient and/or complicated experiments and analysis.
We will teach the following skills during the two-day course:
Material for the this section follows https://kb.nikhef.nl/computing-course/shell-novice/.
Material for this section follows https://kb.nikhef.nl/computing-course/git-novice/.
Material for this section follows https://kb.nikhef.nl/computing-course/python-novice/.
Preparation materials and instructions can be found at https://kb.nikhef.nl/computing-course/swc-setup/
Notes page for day 1: https://sharemd.nikhef.nl/s/obh-lcW_j
Notes page for day 2: https://sharemd.nikhef.nl/s/zasxzRNke
We look forward to seeing you there!