Nikhef velo group meeting



Krista de Roo, Kristof de Bruijn (Van Swinderen Institute), Wouter Hulsbergen

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Present: Kristof, MD, Wouter

Kristof was at CERN. Brought back a PCIe40 card and SSD with the software stack with me. He expects things will not go smoothly right away.  We decide to try installation next week when MD has finished her tests. Karol is on holidays next week. Anyway difficult to organize support since one needs a nikhef account in order to access the machine.

MD presents slides. She has taken enough data with source warm. Next step is with source and cold. Wouter will try to setthe cooling to cold now. After that 48 hours of data taking should be enough. MD plans to present the results in a velo meeting such that we can discuss the next steps.

Edgar would also like us to do things with testpulses: One of the aims of these tests is to calibrate the testpulses: would for instance like to know variation across matrix. It is not clear if we need the minidaq upgrade for this: this also depends on whether TP readout can be done via ECS or that it needs the GWB. From September Kristof has a master student to work on the velo.

According to Freek, Krista plans to prepare the move of the cooling system to the ATLAS cleanroom already half September. The idea is that our test setup moves with it, and that we share the system with ATLAS. It is not yet clear how that works out. (It isn't even entirely clear yet where the cooler should go.)





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