WAR meeting


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      Speaker: Lydia Brenner
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      Discussion on GW questions


      Money questions;

      If a new institute is made it is clear that additional funding from NWO would need to be available for this new institute as base funding. However if ET stays as part of Nikhef that means base-funding from Nikhef needs to go to ET too, so does that mean that the other programs at Nikhef have reduced base-funding available? 

      Does the ET produce a risk for the Dutch funding for CERN?

      Organisational questions; 

      Could you please work out scenario's for the impart on Nikhef (strategy) dependent on the location in which ET will be built, e.g. Limburg, Sardinia or Gorlitz. In particular;
      - If ET comes to Limburg does Maastricht get its own institute focussing on and running ET? And what happens to the GW groups that aren't ET in that case?
      - What is the percentage of participation of Nikhef if ET goes to one of the other locations? And what is our preference if it's not coming to NL?

      GW and HEP communities hardly talk to each other. Is the goal to bring them together or split?

      Are there any other physics or astronomy communities that should be involved in these discussions, which are not involved now?

      Impact on other programmes questions; 

      What would be the impact on Nikhef engineering/workshop capability? Should we introduce a cap on this?

      What would be the effect of building the ET mean for the future collider projects?

      In the previous strategy there was a 50/50 split written for high energy particle physics (colliders) and astroparticle physics. What is the envisioned split within Nikhef explicitly separating GW for this strategy document?

      Envioramental questions; 

      What is the plan to compensate for the climate impact of ET. Not only during construction and running, but also because the windmill park envisioned for this spot now can't be built. 

      Summary question:

      I do not retire in 15 years. To have a secure scientific career with adequate funding, should I join ET now?


      not asked;

      was on Vista flipchart: How is the governance envisioned, in particular how to get Belgium and Germany truly on board both physicists/astronomers and politicians?

      (question on flipchart was: What is the impact on science funding? In particular, what fraction of VICI, NWO-XL, etc is expected to go to ET? Also, would it have impact on funding (personal) streams and distributions in the future for next generations?