Nikhef General

MADE@NIKHEF: KM3NeT design and construction

SP110 (Spectrum Noord)


Spectrum Noord

Nikhef, Amsterdam Science Park

The second MADE@NIKHEF event will take place on Thursday, 9 February, starting at 1100, in the Spectrum-Noord (SP110) at Nikhef in Amsterdam. The theme of the event is the KM3NeT design and construction.

The programme involves talks (in English), tours, socialising, and lunch! Come learn what scientists and technicians are making at Nikhef to further scientific research.

With the KM3NeT neutrino telescope, located on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, KM3NeT researchers aim to understand both the cosmic origins of high-energy neutrinos and fundamental properties of the neutrino itself. The challenging task of instrumenting a cubic kilometer in this hostile and remote location with sensitive photomultipliers that can measure single photons with nanosecond accuracy required many technical innovations.

Besides the concept and design of the key detection element--the Digital Optical Module (DOM)--much of the required mechanical infrastructure, dedicated electronics for power distribution, control, timing and data-acquisition--including soft- and firm-ware--and the opto-electronic network originates from Nikhef.

In this MADE@NIKHEF event, we want to showcase our technical contributions and provide tours to the KM3NeT integration lab.

Tentative Programme
11:00 Welcome and general introduction MADE@NIKHEF
11:05-11:30 Introduction to
KM3NeT design and construction, demonstrations and displays,
11:30-13:00 Guided tours
KM3NeT integration lab, and lunch in SP110

Organized by

Ronald Bruijn, Martijn van Calmthout, Mary Hester, Conor Mow-Lowry, Krista de Roo, Catharina Vaendel, Maarten van Veghel
