Theory Seminars

Theory seminar: Josh Davies




Resummation of small-x double logarithms in QCD: inclusive deep-inelastic scattering

In this talk, I will discuss high-energy double logarithms, with the structure
alpha_s^n ln^(2n-k)(x), which appear in quantities which describe inclusive DIS in perturbative
QCD. In the flavour--non-singlet cases these logarithms, which represent the leading behaviour as
x->0, can be resummed to all orders in alpha_s to NNLL accuracy, and to N^3LL (and beyond) in the
limit of a large number of colours. In the flavour-singlet sector, these double logarithms do not
describe the leading behaviour (which is given by 1/x enhanced single logarithms of the form
alpha_s^n 1/x ln^(n-k)(x)) and, while they can be computed to arbitrarily many orders of alpha_s,
an all-order description has not yet been found. The results of these studies have already been

used to help determine analytic expressions for parts of the four-loop splitting functions.