1 February 2022 to 30 June 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone



18 Mar 2022, 12:00


Ranmarine: Ranmarine

  • Simon Calo


Ranmarine is a start-up based in Rotterdam with a clear mission: using technology to protect the waters. This is no easy goal, but one that can be realised with the help of modern technology and with some inspiration from nature. Ranmarine specializes in the design and development of autonomous water vessels for cleaning and monitoring marine and water environments.
During this talk, we will hear about their technology, their history and their future prospects. To find out more about this company, you can visit their website: https://www.ranmarine.io
Zoom link: https://vu-live.zoom.us/j/96935178242?pwd=ZjZ1a2s2eEk2S2h0ZEJtNmNYREZNdz09
Passcode: 581254

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