Nikhef special colloquium: "REFUGES: Refugees Exploring the Foundations of UnderGraduate Education in Science" by Tino Nyawelo (Univ. Utah)
Spectrum (Nikhef)
REFUGES is a robust STEM-focused refugee and minority student support program through two program components: 1) an afterschool program for refugee and immigrant students (grades 7-12) that provides academic support, hands-on science enrichment, and social services such as family counseling, health and wellness workshops, and recreational activities; and 2) a bridge program for incoming University of Utah students from marginalized populations to adjust to college life, course work and research. During the summer, participating students live on campus for 7 weeks and complete 2 courses that count towards University of Utah undergraduate degree requirements and prepare students for success in STEM. It also offers research lab placement positions to students during student’s freshmen years. This experience launches interaction with peers, graduate students and faculty and helps students develop a network of colleagues who will help them throughout their academic careers.