Nikhef HTCondor Tutorial - Amsterdam

Veltman Center (3rd floor) (Nikhef, Amsterdam)

Veltman Center (3rd floor)

Nikhef, Amsterdam

Andrew Owen (University of Wisconsin - Madison), Mary Hester (Nikhef), Miron Livny (University of Wisconsin -Madiaon)

On Monday 23 September 1230-1800, the HTCondor and Nikhef PDP teams will hold a tutorial for Nikhef HTCondor users. 

Topics that will be covered include: how to better understand your condor jobs, DAGs, troubleshooting, and GPUs, among other topics.

Also if you have any problems working with HTCondor, now is your chance to bring your problem in front of the experts, so we hope you will join!

Requirements for the tutorial

You will need: