Summary of first Nikhef neutrino forum meeting: ---------------------------------------------- It was agreed to make this a regular (of order once per two months or so) meeting, allowing for discussions of neutrino physics in general, Nikhef ambitions, detector technology, simulation/reconstruction/analysis software and new ideas. The format is informal, and open to all interested parties, also PhD students and postdocs. We should also make an effort to connect to GRAPPA at the UvA. (action: PdJ) Concerning the "landscape" on the slides, it was remarked that experiments like KATRIN, SHIP and PTOLEMY also study neutrino properties and should be part of the landscape. In addition, it was felt that CHIPS should have overlap with the Nikhef contour, since it has a Nikhef contribution. Possible topics for next meetings: - Status of the field after Neutrino 2016 - ORCA developments - How does better knowledge of certain parameters influence the determination of other parameters? - Neutrino physics with ultra high energy cosmic neutrinos - Neutrino physics with dark matter experiments - Neutrino interaction generators - Neutrino physics from CMB experiments and cosmology - KM3NeT-DUNE-HyperK complementarity - What does it take to make leptogenesis work? - KM3NeT PMT technology transfer to CHIPS and Hyper-K Above topics are in arbitrary order. It was agreed that we should meet once more before Christmas, with on the agenda the first two topics of the list above. (action: Decowski and Heijboer) PdJ introduced DUNE and the Nikhef activities within DUNE. Questions raised based on the slides: - how well does automated reconstruction of TPC data work? MicroBoone has spent considerable effort and claims good results. Reconstruction is an interesting topic to work on: efficient reconstruction of tracks and good particle ID could lead to interesting and unique physics opportunities. - DUNE CDR uses GENIE as neutrino interaction generator, but other experiments have observed poor agreement with data. Alternative generators are under development, and could be discussed in a future meeting. - What exactly goes into the determination of delta_CP? If the question is about the DUNE CDR: see arXiv:1606.09550 for further information on what has been used in the estimates. Assumed systematic uncertainties are in the CDR. For example for uncertainties on CP sensitivity in the electron neutrino appearance channel, equal contributions from beam flux normalisation, interaction model and energy scale are assumed. For the TDR in 2019, DUNE wants more solid numbers with full simulation and reconstruction. If the question is more about theory, we could discuss leptogenesis in general in a future meeting. PdJ.